This may be a controversial post, but it’s something that needs to be shared. People need to know about it!
When I was a child, I had an “imaginary friend”. I called her that because that’s what I was told she was, and children believe what they are told. My whole family said she was an imaginary friend because that’s what they believed. We called her Smiley and they all thought it was sweet that Smiley was the name I chose for her.
Whenever my parents would hear me talking to her, they would smile because they thought I had a vivid imagination. My older brother was even somewhat envious, so he tried to have one but his only lasted for a few days. Smiley was with us for several years.
The Truth about Smiley
What my parents didn’t realize was that Smiley was never an imaginary friend. I didn’t name Smiley; that’s how she introduced herself to me. I could see her, and I could hear her. She looked like a little girl, always wearing a dress with blond hair and pigtails. She was always around, and she was never my imagination.
The truth is Smiley was a demon. She never hurt me physically. I now know that she was only allowed to go so far. She was only allowed to talk to me. Just as the Bible reveals in the first chapter of Job, the devil and his underlings can only go as far as God allows them.
One day I was in the backyard swinging and Smiley was talking to me as usual and suddenly she told me that she was going to die and wouldn’t be around anymore. I don’t know why I did this, but I went around to the front door and rang the doorbell. When my mom answered, I told her that Smiley was dead. She looked surprised but she smiled and said, “Okay!”
Later that day, I heard Smiley say something to me but when I started to reply, she said, “No, don’t talk back. I’m dead remember. These are just your own thoughts, and I never saw Smiley again.
The demon that called herself Smiley did not leave. She was with me through all the years of nightmares and of partying and all the years of drug abuse and writing those fake prescriptions. She was with me until I was 33 years old.
The Reason Smiley Really Left Me
The reason Smiley really left me was because she was made to leave me. I realized a few months after I was off drugs and attending a spirit filled church, that I was being tormented by evil spirits. I asked some people at my church to pray for me and they did.
I don’t really need to share all the details of what happened when they prayed for me that night except to say that it was a battle and after over an hour of praying, Jesus won the battle.
I felt Smiley really leave me that night and for the first time in my life, I had such peace and quiet in my mind. I slept so well that night.
Freedom through Jesus
Jesus is the One that made Smiley and his friends leave me that night. I’m sharing this because I want parents to be aware of the tricks of the enemy.
If your child has an imaginary friend, don’t assume it’s something they made up. Smiley antagonized me constantly and my parents had no idea. As I previously said, they just thought it was sweet and cute. So, talk to your child about it and ask questions.
I realize some people might have a hard time receiving this post, but if it helps just one parent help one child to not be tormented by a demon, it was worth sharing!
Asking for Help
If you think you might need help in dealing with demons, please look for a spirit-filled church in your area.
If you have any questions for me, please leave them in the comment section below, and I will be more than happy to help you!